Combat System

This post will explain how the combat system works in Realm of the Past Evil.


The first thing to notice is that the combat is turn-based. When you encounter an enemy team, a screen transition will take you to the battle field. Each unit turn is based on their "Speed" stat, and that order is saved in a list. The system goes through the list, giving the turn to each unit, and restart when the last one ends its turn, meaning that all units will always have a turn before the first one acts again.


The battle field is divided in tiles, composing a 6x3 matrix. Each unit occupies a specific tile: the player team occupies the left side (columns 1, 2 and 3) and the enemy team the right side (columns 4, 5 and 6).

The unit skills take advantage of this system by having the following categories:

  • Range: establishes which tiles can target the skill. The unit position doesn't affect the range of its skills.
    • Close: skills with close range that targets an enemy unit can reach no further a column occupied by an enemy. For example, if an enemy is on a tile at the 6th column but there are no more enemies, all skills with close range can reach its tile, but if there is another enemy occupying a tile at the 4th or 5th column, those skills can't reach the 6th one (This applies both player team and enemy team).

    • Far: skills with far range can reach all tiles.

  • Area: establishes which tiles will be affected by an skill once the enemy targets a specific tile. Skills can only target player tiles or enemy tiles at the same time.
    • Single: the tile affected is only the one selected by the unit.
    • Row: the tiles affected are those at the same row as the selected tile.
    • Column: the tiles affected are those at the same column as the selected tile.
    • Cross: the tiles affected are the selected tile and those adjacents to it.
    • All: the tiles affected are all of the player or enemy tiles.


When is the turn of a player unit, you will have the following actions:

  • Move (not yet implemented): allows to move the unit to another player tile. If you select a tile occupied by another unit, both units will change position. Execute this action will end the unit turn.
  • Skills; opens a menu with the unit skills.
    • You can mouse over a skill to show its information.

    • After you select a skill, the game will ask you to select the target tile to perform the skill action. When the action is finished, the unit turn will end.
  • Wait: ends the unit turn.


Currently all units have two skills: one without cooldown and the other with cooldown. The enemy will use the skill with cooldown if it is available. Once the skill is selected, the enemy will target the tile that maximices its damage. To do that the enemy targets all reachable tiles, comparing the damage output.

The exception is the boss Dalhaum that has an exclusive skill that will use once when his HP goes below 50%.


Most skills have a specific element, and all units have different resistances to each one. These elements are:

 Slash Strike Thrust Fire Water
 Wind Earth Light Dark Arcane

An element resistance is categorized as:

  • Normal: the unit takes x1 damage from an attack with that element.
  • Weak: the unit takes x2 damage from an attack with that element.
  • Resist: the unit takes x0.5 damage from an attack with that element.

You can mouse over a unit to see its resistances:

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